Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Mona Vie Meeting

Sorry, but this comic is temporarily gone. I'm at a point right now where a comic criticizing the person in question is not to my advantage.

During the presentation shown in the comic, the pitchman actually asked if anyone'd heard of Mona Vie before. Well, I had. I'd heard about from the Skeptoid podcast, put out by Brian Dunning, who manages to put together a brief, yet extremely informative podcast. He did an episode on superjuices, where Mona Vie was mentioned.

However, I still hold fast to my statement that if someone trying to sell you on Mona Vie says it got rid of cancer cells, they're full of shit, and I urge you to tell them so.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

My Journey to Skepticism


This one took a little time, just due to life getting in the way. A good swift kick in the ass from my wife has inspired me to get back to more regularly working on these comics. This also marks the first comic appearance of my dog, Tessa.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Work In Progress

One more good night of drawing and I'll have another comic for you. In the meantime, here's a portion of it in progress.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Stupid Shit Michele Bachman Says - 4/29/2009

First the video:

She means the Smoot-Hawley Act. It was passed in 1930, three years before FDR took office. My one minute of research leads me to believe that Hoover opposed the law, but was pressured into signing it. FDR vocally opposed the law while campaigning in 1932. Again, Congresswoman Bachmann could stand to do a little research before going before cameras.

I regret having to use such a politically tinted video. If anyone knows if the raw feed from C-Span is available for embedding, please direct me toward it.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Stupid Shit Michele Bachmann Says - 4/28/2009

Okay, I mentioned her yesterday and I've decided to start a little feature on her. Without further ado, I give you the April 28, 2009 edition of Stupid Shit Michele Bachmann Says.

This will be a recurring feature that will occur whenever Michele Bachmann says something that is untrue and can be fact-checked with just two minutes on Google or Wikipedia. Not opinions that I disagree with, but statements of facts that are just plain wrong.

It's good to see that I'm also not the only person to misspell her name.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Critical Thinking and the Vegas Train


Some Clarifications: The Bobby Jindal quote is actually "Eight billion dollars for high-speed rail projects such as a magnetic levitation line from Las Vegas to Disneyland." It doesn't fit well into the space, so I changed it. It's been repeated over and over and over in various ways. Just when I think it's settled, I'll hear either a Republican Congressman or a talk radio host bring it up again. Just because you say it, doesn't make it true.

This is also the first of what will probably be more than a few politically-themed comics, that demonstrate the use of critical thinking skills when it applies to politics. I mean, Michele Bachmann could give me material almost constantly. The goal is to keep ideology out of these comics. While I'm debunking the claim about the "Vegas Train," I am not saying that high-speed rail will save the economy, and I'm not saying that the stimulus bill will save the economy. Critical thinking skills cannot come to that conclusion. What I'm saying is that when a claim is made that you can check, then check it, and if it's wrong, call them out for being wrong.

Comic-wise, I'm working on a standard rendition of myself, and it will continue to evolve. I'm also working on improving my lettering, and the appearance of my word balloons. Bear with me while I work the kinks out. Someday we will look back at these first strips and laugh.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Battlestar Galactica


It seems a little past tense to post this two weeks after the finale, but I absolutely had to finish it. Chronologically, it's actually the third comic, but the first comic isn't done at all, and my comic about Mona Vie hasn't gotten out of thumbnail stages yet. The good news is that I have this entire week off of work, so expect at least one other comic to be posted this week!